How I wish to capture,
The swish of the curl,
of that impertinent smile
And the twinkle of that eye
Filled with mischief...
I wish I had,
When you were near, yet here
How I wish I could,
hold your warmth within me
Melt in your wordless sea,
And may be,
Breathe in your scent,
And never let go,
I wish I had,
When you were near, yet here
I would be satisfied,
If I could live with the chimera
I would find light,
In the darkest of the umbra
And yet, this is denied to me
For you have left ,
Out of the realms of my five senses
And yet you remain,
In my heart, forever lodged
Your touch inscribed, on my body
And your picture, in my eyes!
And your voice...
a music that echoes through my consciousness
And you color my dreams,
As you once colored,
my every waking moment
And I am drenched to my very core,
In the very essence of you
Poetry Sisters Write Wordplay Poems
3 days ago
8 visitors stopped by.:
my god... you are good... REAALLLYY good...
the poem touched me (cliched words, bt i really mean it :P)
I am wordless/speechless after reading this creation of yours …. wonderful :)
This song makes good all young people write only about love?
Interesting that someone can leave the realms of the five senses and still have such impact....very thought provoking.
I would be satisfied,
If I could live with the chimera
I would find light,
In the darkest of the umbra
And yet, this is denied to me
For you have left ,
Out of the realms of my five senses
Beautiful..just....heavenly Winnie! Great poetry...
Sneha! Thank you so much girly!!
Alok! thats really sweet of you :)
Mr Venkata Subramaniam .. Firstly welcome to my blog :)
And well I write about love for I find it easy to write about it...
Also, I have written about other topics too.. but some time back :)
@Mithe Thank you soo much!
touched me... !!!! wonderful...
winnie pens a long poem after a long time... and yet it has the same brilliance that makes me spellbound and emotional when i read it! :)
wow.. nice poohi...! :)
wowie girl !! loved ds one :)
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