A distorted vision I find
Memories golden, rose tinted sea
colors of various intensity,
Images flit through my fickle mind.
With words, pauses and random rhymes;
I paint them in various hues,
Wayward thoughts, rants and dreams.
A poetess? A writer? Confusion reigns!
Everyday I am born anew :-)
P.S: I had this in my profile for long.. as "about me" on this blogger.. just updated it into a verse :)
A cup of coffee......
Wafting thoughts,
fragrant memories,
Dancing lights,
Smokey orange
Curdled emotions,
Seeking respite
A sip, a grip
A tight hug
Ah what a trip!
A friend,
An evening,
A cup of coffee!
Prompted@ Sunday scribblings
Momentous memories
A kiss, a hug
Happiness galore
That little tug,
in the lover's heart
Lifeless pillars
Colossal carnage
A river of blood,
The tears flood
And hearts dread
As people fled
A day of terror
As hell broke over
Marked us forever
The towers crumbled
And the doyens, humbled
Raised hands in a prayer
The world stay mute
Mausoleum of living dead
150th Post yay!!
Lets Celebrate yay!! 150 posts!! My first post thats not about poetry!!
Revelry! Devilry!Ah I have been awarded too oh yeah! The friend's forever award by Vinay :-)
1. The winner may put the logo on his/her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you received the award from.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.
Whiter shade of pale
I think I have modified the meaning of the phrase totally.. but what the heck.. am not grammatically wrong :D :D

P.S: This seems like a bunch of verses put together.. i dunno wht i am expressing.. I am not sure too.. just like modern art may be bah! I call it confusion :D :D
Shifting shadows,
Twirling tight
Like some thoughts coiled inside
A thousand death,
Every moment I die
like a crawling reptile- A parasite
No escape, no respite
I die as i live and live as i die
Incomprehensible plight
Am I right?
Is this wrong ?
Just the same it is- Black or white..
There are no colors,
No words.. just meaningless scribbles
Like the bread that mouse nibbles
Empty.. days and night
Empty.. my words
Empty.. my mind
What exactly do I search ?
What exactly do I mean
What exactly?
Swirling smoke
Nerve wracking numbness
Awaits, I no longer want to hide
I no longer want to fight