It happened finally!!

Oh yes!! After dilly dallying for some time... And after a long struggle wherein I tried to move the blog to my personal hosting account ( free courtesy company :)) and failing due to limitations on the servers... and fiddling around with htacess and failing again.. and then finding a long way out only to stumble at the template level.. and then getting so busy that ( not updating the blogs even) I had to give up...

And then finally after 2 weeks of yes and no.. where I almost gave up moving the blogs to wordpress.. I have finally moved! Yes me too!! YAY!!

Kindly update your blogrolls and also your feeds

Catawampus me:

Song of my life:


My unfinished stories :


Guys, even if you haven't visited the other blogs before.. please visit this once and let me know how it looks pweez!!

5 visitors stopped by.:

--xh-- said...

congratz :)

Anonymous said...

updated !!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is interesting. Visit for English translations of Chinese lyrics.

Anonymous said...

Hello Everybody,

i've been trying to figure out a place to begin the Acai free trial an was just wanting to know if someone had any thoughts on whether or not it works for dieting? So far here is the one [url=]article[/url] I have been able to come across that seemed real for what my goals are. Opinions?

manisha sharma said...

hey , nice blog , like it ,
won’t be nice if i u can clickover to my blog page too ,
& post some suggestion