Prophecy of Doom

Shadows of time past,
dreams of morrow

hollowed today
paves the way
harsh and narrow

Sins of fathers,
the graves of the sons
With inescapable candor

An inexplicable sorrow
In the glow of shine-less sun
And a moonless night

4 visitors stopped by.:

Bharath said...

The picture posted above this sums up this write..:)
seems like its written for it,but, in a paradoxical realm around it..:)

Sins of fathers,
the graves of the sons
With inescapable candor

An inexplicable sorrow
In the glow of shine-less sun
And a moonless night

an art with dark hues..well handled..:)
Good one meena..:)

Winnie the poohi said...

:) thank you dear!

Neeru Iyer said...

DARK. Reminds me of darkness, cold and dread :|

ormakalil manju pozhiyumbol said...

Hi ican'd tell any words to tell that poems even the beautiful pictures. When i see that time my heart falls like that leaf and petals .......
i think your mind is like mine...

thank you